Speaking Mountain

Kripalu.mountains.I am learning to love
the mountains, though
their language is still
a mystery to me.

Every day they speak in
new tongues of light
and dark, shadow and
fire, warmth and frost;
but always the silence,
the stillness underneath.

Just when I think I understand
your dark ridges, the swings
and sways of the forest, the
mists dappling and quiet fogs,
you go all afire, or crystal
clear or dark as pitch under
tangy pines. I almost
hear you and then
again, I am lost and
alone, clueless in you.

Talk to me mountains, I
want to understand!
Like my dearest love,
the faraway Ocean,
teach me your language,
tell me your secrets,
show me your broken places,
your joys, and I
will show you mine.
Embrace me and
I will hold you too!

I will bring you my triumphs,
my failures, my bruises and
my songs. Don’t be
distant! Like the Ocean
I will give you my heart
and be your friend forever.
Love me, talk to me
so I can love you too.

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